Little Earth Yoga

About the Karma Project

Carla Drumbeater, a Leech Lake tribe member and a teacher with Native Strength Revolution, will lead weekly yoga classes for children living at the Little Earth Housing Project, a unique housing project specifically for Native Americans, in Minneapolis, MN. Carla lived at Little Earth while earning her degree and she is on fire to serve the community that helped get her back on her feet.

In addition to the weekly classes for children, Native Strength Revolution will utilize a portion of their grant funding to create Tribe specific training manuals and yoga practices for their Yoga Teacher Training Program.

Meet the Karma Projector Creator

Kate Herrera Jenkins (Shu-wah-mitz) is a member of the Pueblo of Cochiti. She is the founder of Native Strength Revolution. Kate attended Loyola University in New Orleans and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy.  She moved to New York City in 1998.  While pursuing a career in Music Therapy in NYC, Kate developed a love to serve kids with special needs and also developed a passion for working with elders.

In 2008, after moving to Alabama, she discovered hot yoga and immediately wanted to share this healing modality with the world.  She became a certified yoga teacher in 2009 and opened a yoga studio in 2011 and a group fitness gym in 2014. While witnessing the benefits her yoga and gym clients were receiving, she wanted to find a way to bring access to these modalities to all Native people. She created Native Strength Revolution in 2014 and started certifying yoga teachers to teach and serve their communities.

Learn more about Native Strength Revolution.


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Primas Colectivas